What the major brands and one-off NFT cults have in common is they bring people together around a cause, memory, or related emotions. We’re seeing many brands carving out specific
virtual spaces where people can work, exercise, and socialize so building a presence related to these are essential to be successful. Emotions create a common audience, the audience develops “hype”, and “hype” turns into profit.
Furthermore, audiences respond positively to imaginative and interactive digital experiences, which makes augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) exciting technologies for marketers to tap into. We have already seen brands such as IKEA successfully use AR to help customers design their own space, and its application in other verticals holds high potential: from virtual real estate tours, to getting a ‘feel’ for that hotel you might book for your holiday, or trying out how lipstick colors and clothes look before you buy. And while the Metaverse is still very much in its nascent stages, there will increasingly be tools available that give marketers the power to connect with consumers in these digital spaces. As a result, we should expect to see AR and VR to merge with NFTs in 2022.
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