Why Rotas?

Although we have heard (and in some cases seen) how many of the world's leading technology companies plan to build out their corners, it is within gaming where we have seen the most progress. Roblox and Fortnite have already evolved into all-encompassing platforms where players head to not only play but hang out, create, learn, and even establish a career.

Games centered around NFT technology like Axie Infinity and the Sandbox are helping to demonstrate what is possible when players have a financial stake within a virtual environment. AR titles like those from Niantic, including Pokemon Go, Pikmin Bloom, and Ingress, have helped us understand what effect blurring the lines between the real and the virtual can have. The popularity of VR games continues to grow, and we can expect to hear a lot more on this throughout 2022, thanks to PlayStation’s recent announcement at CES.”

To summarize, while the gaming industry is growing dramatically within the metaverse and NFT spaces, there’s a lack of demand when you look at the global landscape. Early adopters are coming into play and the market will tip, but we’re not there yet. The way to create demand, the missing ingredient for profits, is through emotions of status, stress, and safety while creating a community. That’s why art and niche games are “taking the cake” for success right now.

The convergence of these three criteria is the idea of a Creator’s Pass to a to-be-built metaverse. The most challenging part of building a NFT or metaverse offering is adoption. Early-adopters already are in the game. The average consumer is trying to figure out how to play. The path toward major cash flow is by bringing the average consumer into the adoption phase. The best way to do that is to put them in the “pilot seat”.

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